Sunday, October 26, 2008

novum: "illustration worth seeing"

novum: world of graphic design is a German magazine covering the work of designers, illustrators and photographers. Each year it publishes a special Illustration issue. The current issue (October 2008) features "a selection of illustrators worth seeing:" nine illustrators from around the world (USA, Italy, Canada, Finland, Denmark, Japan and three from Germany).

I am proud to be one of those nine illustrators. The article, which is essentially an interview prefaced by some truly flattering comments from the editor, can be found on my website.

novum can be found on the web here.

"novum covers the work of designers, illustrators, photographers, studios and schools. It reports on industry trends, news, technology, book reviews, and more. Well illustrated with good reproductions, novum magazine covers the European scene in all its styles - from the traditional to the trendy. It is published in German and English, with articles printed in both languages side by side.”

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